Juneau WI - Juneau County Wisconsin

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Adams County Wisconsin

 Area Information - Lakes | Public Land | Township | Real Estate

Adams County, WI’s population is about 21,000 people with the County seat in Friendship, WI. This is primarily a tourist area with Wisconsin’s 2nd & 4th largest bodies of water, Lake Petenwell & Castle Rock Lake, forming most of the western border. Adams Cty is loaded with ATV routes, Snowmobile trails, Horseback riding trails, golf courses, Public hunting land, and several small fishing lakes, plenty of trout streams, 23 named rock formations, 9 County parks and Roche-a-Cri State Park.

Adams County WI

Adams, WI: The Heart of Central Wisconsin

Adams County real estate has been booming and was the fastest growing cty per capita in WI for 2006. Not just due to all the amenities, but also the large markets that feed into the area like Chicago IL, Milwaukee WI, Madison WI and Twin Cities MN. Adams has literally become the “Heart of Central Wisconsin” with great access from I-39 / 51 to the east, I-90 / 94 to the both the south and west.

Most visitors and vacationers come here to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and plenty of them plan on retiring here. With so much to see and do in Adams County, it’s no wonder why they want to stay. Spend the day in Wisconsin dells or boating on either Petenwell Lake’s 23,000 acres of water or Castle Rock Lake’s 13,000 acres. Go crafting or antiquing at one of the local shops, flea markets or garage sales. There are always local events happening throughout the year, even winter ice sculpting in Wisconsin Dells.

Roche-A-Cri State Park Adams County Wisconsin

The outdoor enthusiast can see Adams county Wisconsin wildlife like Whitetail Deer, Eastern Wild Turkey and even Bald Eagles while riding on the miles of ATV Routes and Snowmobile trails. There're thousands of acres of public land open to hunting. Enjoy trout fishing on Big Roche-A-Cri trout stream in the center of adams wi.

Truckers Twilight - Adams County, WI.

 Adams County WI

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