T.17N. - R.3E. - Area Information > Juneau County Townships | Online Discussion Forum
Clearfield Township WI - Town of Clearfield
Clearfield Township is located in Juneau County, Central Wisconsin just South from the Village of Necedah. This township is between New Lisbon and Necedah where a railroad connects the two small towns. This area is mostly wooded with some farm fields mixed in, mostly in the western part. There are over 2,100 acres of County Land that is open to the public including Kennedy County Park with a boat launch on the Lemonweir River. There are no bodies of water in this area except the Little Yellow River, Juneau County Ditch and the Lemonweir River flowing through the area from the northwest to the southeast. Hwy 80 runs north and south on the whole eastern border; County Roads M, C & A are other main roadways for Clearfield Township.
Real Estate | Homes | Land | Condos | Multi-Family | Commercial Property
Town of Clearfield Photos & Pictures
- Kelly, Wisconsin
- None
Rivers & Creeks
- Lemonweir
- Little Yellow River
- Juneau County Ditch
Trout Streams
- None
Public Land & Area Features
- Juneau County Land Open to the Public (Multiple Locations)
- Kennedy County Park
Sandy Public Beaches
- Unknown
Boat Launches & Ramps
- Kennedy County Park Boat Launch on the Lemonweir River
- Unknown
Trails & Routes
- ATV Routes
- Snowmobile Trails
Rock Formations - Named Bluffs, Rock Outcropping & Cliffs
- None
Other Features & Amenities
- Canadian National Railroad
- Landing Strip
- Sandpits
Developments and Subdivision Juneau County WI
- Town Clearfield Assessors Plat Number 1
Main Roads
- I-90
- I-94
- State Highway 80
- State Highway 58
- County Roads M, A & C
Homes & Cabins for Sale
Land & Acreage for Sale